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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Syphon Filter 3 System : Playstation Date Added : 2002-06-17 09:38:13 Views : 11301 Cheat : Unlock cheats: Finish the game once to unlock Cheat options in the options screen, such as End Level, Super Agent Mode (One hit kills), etc. Jungle level in multiplayer: Save the 2 women in the Jungle level to unlock it in multiplayer. Get a MIL-15: In the first level, of the game, [THE HOTEL], when you are in the Room 413, try to save the guy in the purple suit. Gabe will say [got it] when you save him. Then when your running down the stairs go into the freezer you will run into him and he will give you an MIL-15 Easy kill: At the very end of the game, when you go to beat Myra Amarov (sp?) on the subway train, make sure you have this gun called Audi 3000. The audi 3000 can shoot through any surface except for bulletproof glass. YouŽll find this gun in a box before you see Amarov. Anyways, after you get the gun, youŽll keep running and bomb open this door. Amarov will be there w/ a hostage. SheŽs hiding behind bulletproof glass so donŽt bother shooting. However, on the roof of the train, thereŽs a opening. Climb up this opening and youŽll be right above Aramov. Aim the audi 3000 and you should see through the roof of the train and be able to aim at AmarovŽs head. YouŽll get a nice clean shot. ItŽs the easiest kill youŽll get in the whole game. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Syphon Filter 3 cheat codes.
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